After a long tough lockdown period it’s fantastic to be back and operating with both kids and adults enjoying their rediscovered freedom to celebrate with a game of paintball or splatball. With the social calendar being a little bleak in 2020 it is fantastic to see smiling faces once again enjoying our paintball scenarios that are naturally incorporate social distancing, no one wants to get shot within 1.5 meters!
We have made a few adaptions during lockdown with additional wash station, physical distance practices, reduced capacities, and more in-depth cleaning processes. All equipment is washed between uses and the face masks undergo a 3 stage cleaning process to ensure everything is well sanitised for our customers.
There is still the option for parties to stay in the venue after their session for food and socialising, however we ask you to discuss your needs in advance so we can manage the number of people in the venue inline with COVID restrictions.
As bookings start to flow in again, with Christmas Parties, belated Birthdays and social catchups, we do recommend customers book a little earlier than usual as our reduced capacity does mean we are often at risk of booking out. So if you are keen to get into some paintball action give us a call or checkout our availability online.
It's good to be playing paintball again!